Proven Strategies Proven Results

Say goodbye to ambiguous indicators and vague signals

Smart Money Concepts

Offering a market structure analysis that includes the identification of order blocks, breaker blocks, and liquidity points. It also delineates premium and discount zones, highlights Fair Value Gaps (FVG), Volume Imbalance (VI) and Order Gap (OG) areas, Trend Lines, Swing Failure Patterns providing users with a multifaceted view of market dynamics.

Predict Market Shifts & Strong Price Reactions
Order Blocks & Breaker Blocks
Premium & Discount Zones
Highlights High Impact Liquidity Sweeps and Swing Failure Patterns (SFP)
MTF Highlights Fair Value Gaps (FVG), Volume Imbalance (VI) and Order Gap (OG) Areas
Liquidity Trend Lines

Signals & Overlays

S&O is the pinnacle of a traditional technical analysis workflow with a focus on generating a dynamic understanding of markets. Utilizing multiple algorithms, 6+ overlays, and multiple metrics at once to give you a full picture of any asset.

AI Optimized Contrarian Signals
Trend Analyzer & Smart Trail
Trend Cloud
Reversal Zones
TP & SL & Entry Levels
Many More Features & Settings

U - Oscillator Pro

The U-Oscillator Pro is a comprehensive technical analysis tool designed to assist traders in making informed decisions in financial markets. This indicator integrates various features including oscillator, bands, trend clouds divergences, and confluence signals to provide a comprehensive view of market dynamics.

Real-Time & Non-Repaint Signals
AI Optimized Reversal & Trend Continuation Signals
Trend Cloud
Extreme Bands
Divergence Signals

Master Pattern

The Master Pattern is a framework built around understanding market cycles, which include three main phases: Contraction, Expansion, and Trend.

Excellent Multi-Timeframe Pattern Logic
Liquidity Levels (Includes two options: Cumulative/Individual)
Detailed Dashboard Where You Can Make All Analysis At a Glance


All pricing plans come with the same great benefits listed below


49.99 USD
Full Price
  • Smart Money Concepts
  • U - Oscillator Pro
  • Signals & Overlays
  • Master Pattern
  • Exclusive Discord Community
  • Active Indicator Updates
  • 24/7 Support
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34.99 USD
Save 30% Per Month
  • Smart Money Concepts
  • U - Oscillator Pro
  • Signals & Overlays
  • Master Pattern
  • Exclusive Discord Community
  • Active Indicator Updates
  • 24/7 Support
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